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My first year at KIS, KG's International Section, is a week from ending. It sounds like such a cliché, but time has gone by so fast; it literally feels like yesterday I stepped through those doors for the first time and looked for my name of the classlists. I remember that moment - when I became an ES1B.
A lot has changed since then. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot, enormous amounts of a lot. Everything is so different. My life is different. My friends are different. I am different, and yet everything is the same, everything is exactly as it used to be. It's like things are finally starting to make sense at the same time as they never do and never will. But one thing is certain; this year was everything but calm, usual and ordinary. It's like I can't even imagine myself on August 17 2007; she's another person, someone I barely know yet know everything about. I hardly remember what she thought or felt and how she looked upon life. I am so much more insightful now. I know myself better.
But let's face it - it's me. I knew something was gonig to happen. I just... Didn't expect this. Any of it.
During English, I had an in-class essay, and it was to be about my transformation at Kungsholmen's Gymnasium. Naturally, I wrote about my friends - Maddie, Bella, Signe, Sara, Julia and Sven, and many more - in other words, my Weirdo Squad. My family. They really are the best part about this school.
I'm happy things turned out the way they did. Sure, I lost touch with a lot of my old friends. And sure, I screwed up a relationship or two, and I made a lot of mistakes, hurt a lot of people, lost a few of them too... I had my first long-distance crush, which turned out, well... It's not like it was going to turn out good, 'cause it didn't even start good. The whole thing was just... Weird. Out of character. Definitely not me. And even though all these things - and many more - happened, and I many times wanted to quit, many times almost did (I actually considered changing schools more than once, and honestly, I sometimes still do), and even more times wished I was somewhere else, somewhere where I belonged... I think I've finally found it. That place where I belong. It's called ES1B in the International Section at Kungsholmen's Gymnasium and it is the best goddamn thing that ever happened to me.

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